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Ways To Regain Control And Detox

In times of social isolation, more people have succumbed to this dependency. Here are some methods to reverse it and be happier

1. Disable Notifications

If you keep notifications from disrupting your routine, it’s easier to focus on what you’re doing. These balloons are a constant reminder that something is happening in the online world, making us feel like we are missing something. It’s as if you carry a delicious chocolate biscuit in your pocket all the time. If you ate it, you’d gain weight you don’t want. 

It’s about getting away from something highly addictive”, says this programmer in his interview. The advantage of turning them off, first, is that when we join the social network, the experience will be more exciting and rewarding because we will find more news; and second, we’ll better control our time (and what apps take from it). Click on bujo is (บู โจ คือ which is the term in Thai) to know more

In addition, we recommend trying to enter the social network “being aware of what we are going to look for or what we want to see since there are so many stimuli that you are more likely to enter looking for something, but get distracted by something else, go from a profile to another and after half an hour (lost) realize that he no longer remembers what he was interested in finding.”

2. Delete Apps You Don’t Use

One of the mechanisms of anxiety makes us afraid to let go of things. It happens, for example, with clothes: as usual, having the closet complete and nothing to wear. On the digital plane, something similar happens. But, as a guru of domestic order (and also how to face chaos) would say, if you haven’t used it for a year, throw it away. Several experts, who speak on The Networks Dilemma agree: it’s been months since you looked at Twitter? Take it off your phone and eliminate the feeling of needing it.

About Peter

Peter Thompson: Peter, a futurist and tech commentator, writes about emerging technology trends and their potential impacts on society.
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